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Apple AirTags and similar products have been true lifesavers for thousands. This handy piece of tech has helped so many people find their crucial everyday items, like their keys, all over the world. 

But unfortunately, AirTags have also helped criminals everywhere steal people’s cars. So today we’re going to help you learn how to protect your car from AirTag theft. But before we get into that, let’s cover the basics… 

What are AirTags?

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Apple AirTags are small devices that help people locate their misplaced belongings, such as their keys or wallet. An individual attaches the AirTag to, let’s say, their keys. When they can’t find them, they open the mobile phone app, and signal the device emits allows the app to guide the owner to it. 

Apple AirTag isn’t the only tracking device on the market though. There’s also Samsung Galaxy Smart Tags, Tile, Cube, Chipolo and other devices that do the same job.

How are criminals using Apple AirTags to steal cars? 

Since smart trackers are so small and discreet – small enough to fit in the palm of your hand –  they can easily be hidden in a car without the owner knowing. Using the AirTag and the mobile app to guide them, the thieves can then follow the driver home (which is often in a more secluded area with fewer witnesses and CCTV) before stealing it, perhaps when the owner is asleep or has left the house. This tactic has been used in multiple countries across the globe. 

Now we’ve got that covered, let’s take a look at how you can protect your car from AirTags and similar products.

How to protect your car from AirTag trackers ?

Follow basic anti-theft advice 

While this isn’t guaranteed to work, basic security measures may help deter thieves. Keep your car locked when you aren’t in it. Keep your windows rolled up. If you can park in a secure, gated area, then do so. Use a steering wheel lock. Do whatever you can to put criminals off the idea of stealing your car. 

Thoroughly search your car 

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AirTags and other trackers are around the size of a £2 coin, so there are countless places to hide one in your car. If you’ve left it unattended, before driving off, take some time to thoroughly search the interior and exterior of your car. 

A tracking device could easily be hidden under or down the side of a seat, in the wheel wells, the windshield area, the bumpers, the grille, the glovebox – the list goes on. Try to make a habit of thoroughly searching it after you’ve left it unattended. 

Ensure you have information to pass on to law enforcement if needed


While the tips we’ve given will help you protect your car from tracker theft, they aren’t foolproof. Just in case a criminal does steal your car using an AirTag, it’s vital you have helpful info to pass on to the police. 

Keep a note of information including your car’s make and model, the registration plate, and any identifiable characteristics such as bumps and scratches on the vehicle. If your car is ever stolen, you’ll need to know this information to hopefully recover it. Or if you want to take your security up a level…

Use a tracking protector device

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The unfortunate reality is that preventing criminals from using AirTags and other trackers to commit crimes is next to impossible. The devices are so small they could be anywhere. But there is something you can do to feel safe again.

SaveMy Tracking Protector scans your environment and notifies your mobile phone to let you know where nearby tracking devices are, what the device is (Apple AirTag, Samsung SmartTag, etc.), and the threat level. 

Small enough to fit on your keys, the tracking protector can go wherever you go, helping you take back control of your personal security. 

To best protect your car, yourself, and your family, buy SaveMy Tracking Protector today from savemy.ai. It’s time to take back control.